Sourdough Bread

February 13th, 2024

Step 1


2/13/24 11:00 PM

100 Grams of AP Flour
100 Grams of Water
20 Grams of Starter

Step 2


2/11/24 11:08 AM

500 Grams of AP Flour
500 Grams of Bread Flour
540 Grams of Water @ 99° F

I didn't use the pinch and fold method. This time I gently swished the water and flour around with my fingers until it was all mixed in together.

Step 3


2/14/24 11:45 AM

220 Grams of Levain
20 Grams of Water
1000 Grams of Autolyse Output

Stretch and fold for 8 mins. Final dough temp was 78 degrees F

Step 4

Bulk Fermentation

2/14/24 12:00 PM

3 sets of stretches and folds every hour for first 3 hours.

Step 5

Divide & Preshape

2/14/24 9:45 PM

Step 6


2/14/24 10:45 PM

Step 7


2/15/24 3:00 PM

Preheat oven to 450F. Put backing steel on lowest rack. Bake for 20 mins with lid on. Remove lid and bake for another 30 mins

Final Results

This was one of the best loaves I've made in a while. I'll keep using the gently mix during the autolyse step and see if the improvements persist.